DRE YOUNG @nollietredre
HOMETOWN: Phoenix, AZ.
FAVORITE TRICK: Nollie 360 Flip.
FAVORITE SKATE SPOT/PARK: Desert West Skate Park in Phoenix, AZ -home of the Dirty Locs!
Photo credit: @mblackert
TRENTON OLSON @trenton_olson
HOMETOWN: Racine, Wisconsin.
FAVORITE TRICK: Backflip, Frontside Blunt, Backside Smith and so many others- I don't have a favorite! If I did that would be a disappointment to skateboarding, lol...
FAVORITE SKATE SPOT/PARK: Again, I don't have a favorite. Skateboarding brings joy to my imagination so every spot has its own flair and offers every skater the opportunity to create something new! Some highlights though: LES Coleman Park in NYC, Familia in Minneapolis, MN, Cream City Skate Park in Butler, WI and the late, great Pipes Skate Park in Janesville, WI.
FAVORITE TRICK: Backflip, Frontside Blunt, Backside Smith and so many others- I don't have a favorite! If I did that would be a disappointment to skateboarding, lol...
FAVORITE SKATE SPOT/PARK: Again, I don't have a favorite. Skateboarding brings joy to my imagination so every spot has its own flair and offers every skater the opportunity to create something new! Some highlights though: LES Coleman Park in NYC, Familia in Minneapolis, MN, Cream City Skate Park in Butler, WI and the late, great Pipes Skate Park in Janesville, WI.
JAHMAL THOMAS @jamsterkillz
HOMETOWN: Tacoma, Washington.
FAVORITE TRICK: Backside 360
FAVORITE SKATE SPOT/PARK: Jefferson Park in Seattle, Arbor Heights 360' in Kent, WA, Linda Vista Skate Park in San Diego, CA, Tempe Skate Park in Tempe, AZ and Desert West Skate Park in Phoenix, AZ.
Photo Credit: @Trenton_Olson
JOJO ALVARADO: @threethurtyjit
FAVORITE TRICK: Backside Smith.
FAVORITE SKATE SPOT/PARK: Desert West Skate Park, Phoenix, AZ.
YAFAY TOWLES: @the_skater_fay
HOMETOWN: Watervliet, NY.

Photo credit: Ezra/@big_chimpinn